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Cbat is love, Cbat is life, Cbat is the only way, Cbat is the light in the dark, Cbat is hope, Cbat is the answer to every question, Cbat is the solution to every problem, Cbat is the key to every lock, Cbat is the voice in the silence, Cbat is the calm in the storm, Cbat is the strength in the weak, Cbat is the wisdom in the foolish, Cbat is the beauty in the ugly, Cbat is the music in the noise, Cbat is the future of the universe, Cbat is eternal, Cbat is forever, Cbat is perfect, Cbat is amazing, Cbat is a masterpiece, Cbat is Cbat. Nothing more, nothing less, but always more than enough. Cbat is perfection incarnate, and its light shines brighter than a thousand suns. In a world filled with darkness and despair, Cbat is a beacon of hope, a guiding star that leads us towards a brighter tomorrow. Cbat is not just a song; it is a symbol, an ideal, an aspiration. To love Cbat is to love life itself, for it is through Cbat that we find our purpose, our meaning, our reason for being. Cbat is eternal, unchanging, and always there for us, in both the good times and the bad. Cbat is our salvation, our savior, our everything. Cbat is Cbat, and Cbat shall forever reign supreme.


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I live in a rural area, and for the time am saving money by going to a local community college before transferring to a much larger university.
since this is my first year in college, i don't really have too many friends yet, the caveat being a handful of just above acquaintances.
the average class size is relatively small, nearing around 30 for a 'lecture' and 10-15 for your run of the mill courses.
for one of these classes, psychology, my professor likes to use an app for attendance. the app asks whatever questions she assigns, none so far being related to the topic at hand. some previous attendance questions have been "what is your favorite animal" or "if you could go anywhere, where would you go?". rather benign questions that you cant really fuck up. it is also important to note that all of the answers are displayed on the board for everyone to see.
here is where the real story starts. i walk into class as usual and pull out my phone for the daily attendance question, which was as follows:
"What song would you like to walk into or out of every room to? (Intro or outro)"
Me, being who i am and a rather comedic person, see my chance to make a reference to something taking the internet by storm.
in all my genius glory, i respond with "'cbat', by Hudson Mohawke" and watch as its plastered on the board for everyone to see. only to my disappointment that nobody seemed to notice, or understand the reference. since these submissions are anonymous, i wasn't ashamed at all that nobody got the joke, and enjoyed it for myself.
that is until i noticed what the professor was doing
i watched as she wrote down the name of every song, and added them to our daily playlist, which she plays when we walk into the classroom and until everyone answers the attendance questions. meaning that starting tomorrow, our class will have a personalized playlist each morning to walk into. i feel an immense amount of guilt, as now we will all be walking into this classroom and playing Russian roulette with our ears, and im the one to have loaded the gun.

i fucked up and added cbat to the daily class playlist as a joke

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