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File: 1722281107137.jpg (788.08 KB, 2000x2000, cover.jpg)


> be me
> posting on THE LAND
> no one posting back
> my other personalities don't use this site anymore, user base has plummeted
> is this the end bros?
> pic unrelated
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Cbat is life


the cbat sleeper agent guy woke up lmao


cbat sleeper agent guy is going to end the world. ill make that bet. bro will do anything for cbat


probably has 100k monero hidden in a wallet somewhere


i love moneros. may cbat sleeper agent spend his moneros on cbat merchandise

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Where do you see the whole market in 10-20 years?

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> be me
> listen to spanish chick band
> two of the four members bailed last year
> fast forward to 5 days ago
> new "single" drops (its actually 4 songs)
> the sound, the voice, the vibe HAS NOT CHANGED
> these two baddies just dropped four bangers and if i didnt know the other two members left i wouldnt be able to tell a difference

> pic unrelated

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Have a great sunday.


> remember to pray to the monero gods my monerobros. May we have eternal privacy and cheap fees. amen

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I can't… I can't fucking take it anymore. Everywhere I go it's cbat, I can't get away from it. I try to get away from it but I can't. My friends send me a meme and it's cbat, I go for a walk to get away from it and walk to the park and see a bat. "Hahahahaha wow, bat more like cbat. Cbat is the best song ever." its the ONLY RESPONSE MY CAVEMAN BRAIN CAN MANIFEST. I was reading a book the other day and it had the words 2 years "2 years? IS THAT A CBAT REFERENCE?!?!?!?!" There is nowhere I can hide. It's in movies, it's in my books, it's outside. I can't take it, My girlfriend could break up with me and the only thought I could muster is “uh oh, YOU DIDN’T SAY YOU HATED MY SEX MUSIC THOUGH" and just laugh uncontrollably. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahsh shshdh GB chgc hhdnvmgjgj


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repeat after me monerobro
> bink
> bonch
> shoobla
> bonch
> jwib
> fwinch
> doonch
> kwomb
> womp
> zinc baba
maybe this will get your mind off it
> song unrelated


is this the song from skibidi toilet? omg I love that song monerobros


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No SpongeBob, that's Italian.

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>peer to peer store of value with crossborder capability
>peer to peer functional alternative
ohnonono bitcoinbros what is this???


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> "Do you believe bitcoin will become the world currency"
if BTC has *ANY* chance of becoming the dominant form of international dollars, we have much bigger problems on our hands. No government, no figure would allow it to happen. aside from it costing $12 in fees for me to buy a taco, its slow as balls. fuck BTC maxis, your shitcoin isnt "electronic cash" as mr satoshi said.
> also, this mf would NOT let bitcoin be a world currency, E-Coin all the way LET HIM COOK MONEROBROS


what the fuck happened with overthrowing the goverment, bitcoinbros? are you just going to let them rape your dignity further with cbdcs?

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why can't i posterino.


you can posterino saar


i've come here 3 days to drop posts saar. thanks SAAAAAAR


File: 1721920770650.mp4 (28.36 MB, 1920x1080, monero-millionero(1).mp4)

thank you for yoiur service SAAAAR

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I have arrived.
1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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gigathankerino ser moonerobro. Since 4chins is gigadegen I will be posting here. less chance of catching brain rot content. if board owner could set up integrated tip system that would make this board gigamoon.


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>4chins is gigadegen
Too much porn and hornyposting everywhere, also /biz/ is all elondogerocketsaarcumcoin number 123 instead of just monero so thats retarded
>if board owner could set up integrated tip system that would make this board gigamoon.
Like a way for lurkers to donate neros to posters? Honestly thats a great idea, I will see what I can do.


yes. with monero you can send and receive tips anonymously so it would work extremely well. and you can support your favorite monero bro with a nice tip if you like his post. shouldn't be a very good aditioin, one that will make this board moon.


should be easy to do* best adition that will make this board moan


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will make this board do what?

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I am angry at my parents for having me. How can any sane rational being look around at how much pain and suffering is in this world and then think its a good idea to have a child. It is selfish. Every time I hear why people have kids it is “Because it gives me purpose”. How self-centered is that? Let’s bring a child in the world so my existence seems less futile. Then when I say that I am depressed and miserable at work and want to die they just tell me I need to grow some balls and man up. I don’t want to. I don’t care. For what purpose? So I can buy a house? So I can have children of my own? So I can get married? So I can work for 40 years and then die of cancer or something? Get divorced? I just want this shitty existence to be over.
4 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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> be me, local monerobro
> die
> monero.land drops to zero users
> be me, schizo
> turns out im the only person on this image board, just talking to myself but its the other monerobros in my head taking over
> are you monerobros real? did "i" make this website without even knowing?
> pic unrelated


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yes nerobro we are real, but we share a consciousness just like my heckin third impact or something


im sorry saar. it's over for you. completely over. bye.


we all sometimes feel so over, but even in the darkest shadows, we can sense that we will be so back eventually


except in the case of OP. he will never be back. it's over, completely over.

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WIBTA if I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years because of his “love making” playlist?

As some context, I (20F) have been with my boyfriend (25M) for 2 years now. Our relationship has been phenomenal for a long time, and he is a good man. There is only one thing that weirds me out a bit.

He claims that he listens to music to put on a better performance, which I appreciate in some aspects. The only thing I can complain about is his song choices. There is one song in particular that just kills the mood for me.

The song is “Cbat” by Hudson Mohawke. My boyfriend seems to love this song a lot, because whenever we are having sex, this seems to be his go to song to have an erection to. I personally do not get it. I hate the way it feels for me, and the way the song sounds makes it feel like I’m fucking a clown. I do not like it.

One day, I gently told him how I felt about the songs he made love to me with. We talked it over and he seemed pretty receptive. We decided to try not using music that night, so I wouldn’t have to worry about the song choice.

We began having sex, and it started off great. This was the best I’ve experienced from him in a long time. However, after a minute or so I noticed something. He was still thrusting to the rhythm of that damn song. At that point, I knew all of the song, and by him doing that I heard the music in my head.

I was tired at that point, so I just kindly asked him to stop, and he did. I feel a bit bad about the situation, but I have put up with this for so long. I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up.

This is not the only song I feel uncomfortable with. It’s just the worst one. Some other songs on his list are the Rick and Morty theme, Gangham style, Fireflies, and radioactive. I hope he realizes that these songs aren’t the best choices. I would gladly help him choose some different ones if he asked me to.
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> park that car
> drop that phone

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