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R: 7 / I: 2

What do YOU buy with you Monero?

> Think I'll buy me a football team.
R: 1 / I: 1

wheres my moneros

> be me
> havent synced my moneros in my hardware wallet in a few months
> know EXACTLY how many moneros i have
> load up Monero GUI and open wallet, enter passphrase, etc
> wait 12 years for it to sync
> am missing 2 moneros
> why am i missing 2 moneros? (i never send anything out from this wallet, this the doomsday stash wallet)
> why am i missing two moneros
> im missing two moneros
> wheres my two moneros :(
R: 9 / I: 7

Monero Node Porn Thread

Post images of your self-hosted monero node here.
Whether it be actual pics of your hardware, your nodes networking setup, some cool tips/ tricks for your node, or even your software setup. Post them here!
> ordered a raspberry pi 5 8GB and its shipping as we speak, downloading a copy of the monero blockchain so i can setup a node on the pi when it arrives!
R: 4 / I: 3

Heavenly arbitrage

There is a 10 percent spread between XMR on kyc markets and XMR on Haveno.

Are there any monerochads in the land who want to pull an arbitrage of the Soros kind?

and..can someone repost this on plebbit.. just go get better eyeballs on the logic?

R: 6 / I: 7
> Are there any bitfags in the audience tonight?
R: 3 / I: 1

Monerochan delisted off Kraken

'tis be ogre
R: 6 / I: 2
What do you use to run your own nodes? Would buying one of those low power pcs with a big ass drive be a good idea for running a node 24/7?
R: 3 / I: 1
R: 1 / I: 1


> hey monerobros, an atomic swap plugin for feather wallet has dropped. heres a repo link: https://github.com/BrandyJSon/feather-atomic
R: 1 / I: 1
R: 1 / I: 0 (sticky)
R: 3 / I: 1
Chainanal, the company that works with alphabet boys on tracking crypto, released a video where they claim to be able to "trace" xmr
One thing of note to remember is that chainanal and abc agencies apparently run their own nodes. A lot of the shortcomings used by them while trying to track transactions wont be available with new updates to Monero.
>tldr; nothing ever happens.

Monerobros, what do you think of this?
R: 1 / I: 0

Monero merch

Why are retards selling this shit. I would fuck with a dogwhistle but this is just a self report.
R: 1 / I: 0

how 2 run monerod on startup?

hey monerobros, quick question for you all.
i run my own monero node on my debian linux machine. I access it over SSH. SO when I log in, I create a tmux session:
`tmux new -s MoneroNode`
And from there I `cd` into my `monero/monerod` directory, which contains the blockchain, and monerod. from there I run `monerod –config-file=bitmonero.conf` and then the node goes crazy.
Does anyone know how to just start monerod on startup? tmux can be skipped, but its needed if you start your sessions with SSH. Any other node bros out there?
R: 0 / I: 0
>Monero: 3B marketcap
>Shitu Inu: 8.2B marketcap
our young generation is clearly lost man, clearly lost
R: 2 / I: 1
monero won
liberty won
freedom won
privacy won
TOR won
ring signatures won
thankful_for_today won
monero land won
monero town won
monero garden won
/nero/ won
/g/ won
/land/ won
monerochan won
John McAfee won
monerobros won
bitfags lost
ethfags lost
tetherfags lost
bnbfags lost
solfags lost
xrpfags lost
dogefags lost
tonfags lost
adafags lost
tronfags lost
shibfags lost
linkfags lost
kasfags lost
maticfags lost
ltcfags lost
nearfags lost
icp fags lost
R: 0 / I: 0
fucking fire https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTTac2XjyFY
R: 3 / I: 1

shitonmail moment

> be protonmail
> mainly used by privacy tech bros
> make crypto wallet
> holyShitProtonXMRWallet.flac
> look inside
> proton BTC wallet + retard statement
who is the lunatic? and why is he on the grass?
> + heres your daily dose of btc maxi cringe https://new.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1ecv6hx/proton_on_why_bitcoin_is_superior_money_to/
R: 3 / I: 0

Monero 2

If Monero is so good? Why haven’t they released Monero 2? Checkmate liberal.
R: 9 / I: 6

monero shitpost thread

monero shitpost thread - post your favourite monero shitposts here. Original shitposts are prefered, but all shitposts are good shitposts. speak your monke mind anons!
R: 1 / I: 0

monero sticker map website

monerobros, do any of you remember a website that had a map with pins on monero stickers found irl? is it dead?
R: 6 / I: 5

monero ftw

I was checking the CMC app and looked in the news tab in XMR. The competition is so fucking weak lmao

>"optional privacy"
>folded when pressed by sec on privacy
>had some weird ass ceremony of physically destroying seed keys to create the coin
>"And by the way, I think we can successfully make Zcash too traceable for criminals like WannaCry, but still completely private and fungible" - Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn, CEO of Zcash company

>2017 called
>not a privacy coin
>dead price
>dead community

>literal who
>you will never be ethereum

>literal who 2
>not a privacy coin
>dead rotting corpse coin
>what the fuck even is this

Are crypto news sites retarded or is there really no competition? Either way, we cant stop winning monerobros…
R: 9 / I: 6

crypto complaining thread

complain about crypto and shit in this thread anons. tell us some shit you hate about crypto or some stories you got.

ill go first
> be me, 12 hours ago
> dumping a bunch of shitcoins (swapped some to XMR and donated to THE LAND)
> found some cosmos shitcoin on my old ledger nano (cringe)
> moved that shit to tradeogre to convert to monero (based)
> made the swap from ATOM -> USDT 12 hours ago and its still pending
why the FUCK did i buy this ATOM shitcoin? no one wants this shit so i cant get my USDT to swap to XMR. i just want my moneros
R: 6 / I: 5
>NO ONE uses it as a currency
>got popular from monkey png craze
>started the retarded nft trend
>bootloader for BILLIONS of unfunny meme coins
>public transactions
>$200 transaction fee
>$400B market cap for some reason

monerobros, why do etherfags exist?
R: 8 / I: 2

monero orangetext (real)

>be me, 19
>get disability pay from my shitty prime minister (libtard moment)
>buy like $2k worth of monero over the span of a month in case i need to skip town one day
>realize 3 days later ill never amount to anything in life and will need a caretaker (Moneret's delay) in a two years, my monero will never be used. doomed to forever be stuck in the trezor.

should i just kill myself already anons? i mean it feels great spending the governments money on monero, but its not really funny anymore, i dont feel the trolling buzz anymore. pic unrelated. (banger movie)
R: 1 / I: 0

how monero is used

pic rel
R: 0 / I: 0